The Preaching Matters Podcast
Welcome to The Preaching Matters Podcast. Preaching Matters is a weekly podcast about expository preaching, sermon preparation, preaching tips, and the art and science of homiletics.
Our episodes discuss preaching and sermon preparation in a refreshing, engaging fashion. We discuss all matters related to preaching because Preaching Matters.
Reach out to Alan Carr at alancarr@gmail.com. The Preaching Matters Podcast is a ministry of Alan Carr and The Sermon Notebook (http://www.sermonnotebook.org).
Podcasting since 2022 • 159 episodes
The Preaching Matters Podcast
Latest Episodes
153 - Achieving Simplicity in Preaching
It is easy to preach over the heads of the people in the pew. As preaching, we want to preach the truth, but we should also desire to preach the truth in simple terms everyone can understand. In this episode, I want to explore a booklet entitle...
Episode 153
152 - Preaching Amid Pain And Suffering
We are all aware of the reality pain in life. This episode reminds us there is hope for us amid the main and suffering of life. I hope to encourage preaching to remain faithful when life falls apart around you. You can preach even when you hear...
Episode 152
151 - The Struggles Of Preparing Weekly Sermons
Preachers who prepare new sermons on a weekly basis can find themselves overwhelmed by the process. In this episode, we will discuss 10 struggles faced by preachers who prepare sermons weekly. 1. The Weight of Spiritual Responsibil...
Episode 151
Podcast Update
This is an update about the podcast. I haven't been able to record the past two weeks because of a fall that resulted in me breaking my back. I am in considerable pain but doing well. I hope to be back in the studio this coming week with a fres...
150 - Tips For Effective Sermon Delivery
In today's episode, we discuss some ways we can improve our sermon delivery. You can have a well-designed, well-prepared sermon and have it lose its effectiveness because of poor sermon delivery. We have all been there, but if we will integrate...
Episode 150