The Preaching Matters Podcast
Welcome to The Preaching Matters Podcast. Preaching Matters is a weekly podcast about expository preaching, sermon preparation, preaching tips, and the art and science of homiletics.
Our episodes discuss preaching and sermon preparation in a refreshing, engaging fashion. We discuss all matters related to preaching because Preaching Matters.
Reach out to Alan Carr at alancarr@gmail.com. The Preaching Matters Podcast is a ministry of Alan Carr and The Sermon Notebook (http://www.sermonnotebook.org).
The Preaching Matters Podcast
142 - Preaching The Gospel
This episode discusses the importance of preaching the gospel in the pulpit and everyday life. There are reasons why we should preach the gospel. There are ways to preach it as well. Today, we believe that the Bible teaches us how to more effectively share the gospel with a lost world as preachers and believers. Let me know what you think.
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Contact me at alancarr@gmail.com.
The podcast is a ministry of Dr. Alan Carr and The Sermon Notebook (http://www.sermonnotebook.org)