The Preaching Matters Podcast
Welcome to The Preaching Matters Podcast. Preaching Matters is a weekly podcast about expository preaching, sermon preparation, preaching tips, and the art and science of homiletics.
Our episodes discuss preaching and sermon preparation in a refreshing, engaging fashion. We discuss all matters related to preaching because Preaching Matters.
Reach out to Alan Carr at alancarr@gmail.com. The Preaching Matters Podcast is a ministry of Alan Carr and The Sermon Notebook (http://www.sermonnotebook.org).
The Preaching Matters Podcast
150 - Tips For Effective Sermon Delivery
In today's episode, we discuss some ways we can improve our sermon delivery. You can have a well-designed, well-prepared sermon and have it lose its effectiveness because of poor sermon delivery. We have all been there, but if we will integrate a few simple changes into our preaching, we can improve our delivery in astounding ways. I have never met an honest preacher who says he cannot improve his preaching. We can all get better at what God has called us to do. Let me know what you think.
Faith That Challenges. Conversations that Matter. Laughs included. Subscribe Now!Breaking down faith, culture & big questions - a mix of humor with real spiritual growth.
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Contact me at alancarr@gmail.com.
The podcast is a ministry of Dr. Alan Carr and The Sermon Notebook (http://www.sermonnotebook.org)